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CS&D 210: Neural Basis of Communication
Considers the neural basis for communicative behaviors. Provides understanding of the anatomy, physiology, and physiopathy of the central and peripheral nervous systems as they relate to normal and disordered communication.
Instructors: Varies by semester
Semester offered: Spring
Credits: 3.0
Physiology 335: Physiology
This course covers the major systems of the human body and supports many training programs including: Nursing, Pharmacy, Biology, Kinesiology, Biomedical Engineering, Dietetics, Biochemistry, Physician Assistant, and Zoology.
Instructors: Lokuta, Banach
Semester offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 5.0
Physiology 435: Fundamentals of Human Physiology
An advanced version of Physiology 335 intended for upperclass Biology majors.
Instructors: Lokuta
Semester offered: Spring
Credits: 4.0
Psychology 454: Behavioral Neuroscience
Biological basis of human and animal behaviors, including perception, action, cognition, social interaction and disease. Learn, develop and use neural mechanisms to explain and (attempt to) predict what they and others think and do in all facets of life.
Instructors: Saalmann
Semester offered: Spring
Credits: 3.0-4.0
Physiology 533: Molecular Physiology
Presents topics in physiology from a molecular perspective with a research orientation.
Instructor: Jackson
Semester Offered: Spring (even numbered years)
Credits: 2.0
Zoology 523: Neurobiology
NTP 610: Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Study of original papers leading to an understanding of the molecular basis of electrical activity in neurons. Topics include voltage-sensitive currents, molecular biology of neuronal receptors, synaptic transmission and sensory transduction.
Instructor: Jones
Semesters offered: Fall
Credits: 4.0
Neurodpt 699: Independent Research
One-on-one learning experience allowing undergraduates to work with a faculty adviser to develop research projects and skills.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Instructors: Neuroscience Faculty
Semester Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credits: 1.00 – 4.00