Associate Professor Xin Huang, and Professor and Department Vice Chair Erik Dent, received awards from the Fall 2024 Research Competition. This competition plays an important role in supporting graduate student training and providing funding to generate data necessary to create stronger extramural proposals.
The Dent lab’s goal is to understand the mechanisms of central nervous system development and plasticity. They investigate how F-bar proteins function with the actin cytoskeleton in neuronal development and how microtubule dynamics play an important role in synaptic plasticity in mature dendrites.
The X. Huang lab seeks to understand the neural mechanisms underlying visual perception and visually guided behavior. They investigate the neural processes underlying perceptual organization, transformation of information along the visual hierarchy, feedback connections, selective attention, population neural coding, and the neural circuit mechanisms underlying canonical neural computations.
More information regarding the research competition can be found here.
Congratulations, Erik and Xin!