The Department of Neuroscience would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest administrator, Ben Meltzer. Ben will be our new Grants Manager for pre- and post-award following Sue Krey’s upcoming retirement. Welcome, Ben!
Year: 2022
Zhao and Sousa Awarded SFARI Grant
The Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) has selected the project of Drs. Xinyu Zhao (Neuroscience), Qiang Chang (Medical Genetics and Neurology), Daifeng Wang (Biostatistics & Medical Informatics, Computer Sciences), and Andre Sousa (Neuroscience) as …
Chapman receives HHMI Renewal
Dr. Edwin Chapman, Professor of Neuroscience, received notice that his appointment as a Howard Hughes Investigator has been renewed for a seven-year term. Chapman received an “A” score. Please join us in congratulating him on …
Tom Yin Honored At WMAA Awards Banquet
Emeritus Tom C.T. Yin received a Basic Sciences Emeritus Faculty Award category at the Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association banquet. This award is given to a basic scientist who demonstrates long and effective service to the …
Rosenberg Lab’s Lillian Li Receives McPherson ERI-Sponsored Hilldale Undergraduate Award
Congratulations to Lillian Li from Dr. Ari Rosenberg‘s lab in the Department of Neuroscience! Lillian was awarded the 2022 McPherson Eye Research Institute-Sponsored Hilldale Undergraduate Award for her proposal, “Biologically Inspired Convolutional Neural Networks for …
Zhao Lab Celebrates 2022 Recipients of Hilldale Undergraduate Research Fellowships
Congratulations to Sabrina Huang and Ezra Jarembowski from the lab of Dr. Xinyu Zhao for being awarded prestigious Hilldale Undergraduate Research Fellowships! The Hilldale Undergraduate Research Fellowship provides research training and support to undergraduates. Students have …
Sirois Receives Prestigious Postdoc Fellowship
Postdoctoral Fellow Carissa Sirois from Xinyu Zhao’s laboratory has been awarded a very prestigious and highly competitive fellowship from the Autism Science Foundation (ASF). This grant will help fund her research on, “Developing Therapeutics for …
Chapman Lab Paper Shows Promising New Information About Complexin Protein
A recent paper from the Chapman Lab at UW-Madison in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology just goes to show how little we still know about the way our brains work. Ed Chapman, professor of neuroscience …
Moore and Sinha Honored With 2022-23 Vilas Associates Award
Dr. Darcie Moore and Dr. Raunak Sinha from the Department of Neuroscience were recently awarded the 2022-23 Vilas Associates Award. Moore and Sinha were two of 26 faculty chosen for this competitive award. The Vilas …
Sinha Published in Cell Stem Cell
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, Dr. Raunak Sinha and colleagues were recently published in the journal Cell Stem Cell for their work on retinal organoids. In this study, Sinha and fellow researchers have successfully shown that …